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Minutes 02/04/2013
February 4, 2013  

A   REGULAR MEETING was held by the City Council & WPC Authority in the City Hall Auditorium on Monday, February 4, 2013.

Present were Mayor Ryan Bingham, Corporation Counsel Raymond Rigat, City Councilors Paul Samele, Elinor Carbone, Marie Soliani, Gerald Zordan and Drake Waldron.  City Councilor Gregg Cogswell was absent.  Public Works Director Gerald Rollett, Fleet Manager Emil Castro, City Planner Martin Connor and Elderly Nutrition Supervisor Joel Sekorski were also present.

Mayor Bingham called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Carbone, the Council voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the Regular Meeting held January 22, 2013.    

On a motion by Councilor Zordan, seconded by Councilor Carbone, the Council voted unanimously to open the meeting to the public.   There was no one present who wished to speak.

On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Carbone, the Council voted unanimously to approve the Mayor's appointment of Nancy Yurgeles to the Arts & Culture Commission, replacing Steven Criss, for a four-year term expiring on December 31, 2016.

On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Zordan, the Council voted unanimously to accept the recommendation of the Marketing Consultant Selection Committee and enter into a contract with Stephen Warshaw of Linchpin at Large, LLC of Warren, CT for the Marketing, Promotions, and Management Plan described in RFQ #MPM-039-112012.

Mayor Bingham said the $100,000 Arts Leadership Implementation Grant will be matched by the City with sales tax revenue.  He explained that Mr. Warshaw was chosen from three respondents based on his experience and his infectious enthusiasm for the Arts.

Mayor Bingham said he hopes to achieve the establishment of an Arts District, some vacancy treatments and visual merchandising, the consideration of underutilized second floor residential units and the development of business incentive guidelines.  There are a lot of organizations, merchants, property owners, city staff, committees and commissions that are all working on a collective goal, he said, and he hopes this initiative ties them together.

Ms. Lynn Gelormino, co-writer of the Grant application, clarified that the grant was written by the Arts & Culture Commission.

Mr. Warshaw said he and his wife love Litchfield County and recounted a story where he was hired to assist NBC's marketing at the Vancouver Olympics.  He had thought of a way to pull all the promotional pieces together there and attract attention at the same time, and said he feels he can do the same thing for Torrington.

Councilor Samele asked if the marketing plan includes businesses outside of the downtown area.  Mr. Warshaw said it is for the whole of Torrington, inclusive of everybody.

Councilor Carbone said she is so pleased that the Arts & Culture Commission used the study that the Torrington Development Corporation and UConn commissioned, developed a plan of action, and executed that, which included seeking funding for it.  This is a clear case of a study that was put into action, she said, and added that she was struck by Mr. Warshaw's ability to identify all the various stakeholders, constituents and valuable resources that we have in the downtown area and around the community.  Councilor Carbone said he was able to demonstrate that he can develop a plan that would include utilizing their strengths and coordinating everybody's efforts so that we are moving the entire City forward.

Mayor Bingham added that Torrington is an attraction for the region and noted that Mr. Warshaw has connections outside Torrington that can be brought in as resources to bring some much needed revenue to our local businesses throughout town.

Councilor Soliani asked that Council be kept in the loop and welcomed Mr. Warshaw.

       RESOLUTION:  Arts Leadership Implementation Grant
        On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Carbone, the Council voted              unanimously to adopt the following resolution for the $100,000 Arts Leadership                  Implementation grant:

        RESOLVED: That Ryan J. Bingham, who is the Mayor of the City of Torrington, is          empowered to execute and deliver in the name and on behalf of the City of Torrington            a certain contract with the State of Connecticut, Department of Economic and                    Community Development, and to affix the corporate seal.

On an amended motion by Councilor Zordan, seconded by Councilor Samele, the Council voted unanimously to accept the recommendation of the Services for the Elderly Commission to enter into three year agreements with WCAAA for congregate and home delivered meal services for the period of October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2015 and authorize the Mayor to sign these agreements on behalf of the City.

Mr. Sekorski explained that WCAAA stands for Western CT Area Agency on Aging.

On a motion by Councilor Carbone, seconded by Councilor Zordan, the Council voted unanimously to accept recommendations from the Ordinance Subcommittee.

Councilor Zordan invited Mr. Connor to give an overview of the Proposed Right to Farm Ordinance.  Mr. Connor said this is a result of the 2010 Plan for Conservation and Development that considered protection for farms and farmers, and how important agriculture is to the City of Torrington.  He said the purpose of the ordinance is to protect existing and future farmers, and to make sure we have local produce available.  Mr. Connor noted that invariably when new subdivisions locate next to a farm, residents complain to the Zoning Department.  He said we need to recognize how important farming is, and added that a mechanism will be included in the ordinance for mediation of residents' concerns.

        SCHEDULE PUBLIC HEARING:  Right to Farm Ordinance
        On a motion by Councilor Zordan, seconded by Councilor Soliani, the Council voted               unanimously to schedule a public hearing on Tuesday, February 19, 2013 to solicit public                input on the proposed Right to Farm Ordinance.

Councilor Zordan invited Mr. McEachern to give an overview of the Proposed Ordinance to establish City Hall as a Historic Property, and a Historic Property Commission to oversee that.  Mr. McEachern said this is a means to an end, which would be that Torrington be recognized as a Certified Local Government for Historic Preservation purposes within the State of Connecticut.  The benefits to the City would be a series of grant eligibilities, along with education and training in Historic Preservation, a stronger preservation influence in the community and participation in establishing state and regional preservation objectives.  Mr. McEachern explained that the Commission would oversee external changes that might be proposed for City Hall, and issue certificates of appropriateness for those changes to proceed.

        SCHEDULE PUBLIC HEARING:  City Hall as Historic Property
        On a motion by Councilor Zordan, seconded by Councilor Soliani, the Council voted               unanimously to schedule a public hearing on Tuesday, February 19, 2013 to solicit public                input on the proposed ordinance to establish City Hall as a Historic Property, and                      establish a commission to oversee it.

On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Zordan, the Council voted unanimously to accept the Purchasing Agent's recommendation to purchase four Larochelle Snow Plows from Truck Builders of CT of Terryville, CT for the amount of $35,847.76, pending Board of Finance approval.

On a motion by Councilor Zordan, seconded by Councilor Carbone, the Council acting as the Water Pollution Control Authority voted unanimously to approve a payment of $24,912.50 from Fund #490 Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement for Capital Project D-3A Toro Siphon & Crossing Rehabilitation to NEPCCO for Invoice #86295 dated January 18, 2013 for Toro Siphon Barrel Cleaning.

On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Zordan, the Council voted unanimously to enter Executive Session at 6:56 p.m. to discuss the terms of a proposed sale of the Water System located on Winsted Road, inviting Atty. Rigat and Mr. Rollett.

On a motion by Councilor Carbone, seconded by Councilor Zordan, the Council voted unanimously to return to open session at 7:17 p.m.

On a motion by Councilor Samele, seconded by Councilor Carbone, the Council voted unanimously to open the meeting to the public on "agenda items" only.  There was no one who wished to speak.
On a motion by Councilor Zordan, seconded by Councilor Waldron, the Council voted unanimously to consider business presented by Department Heads.    

Mr. Quartiero clarified the scheduled times for the public hearings, which will be held at 5:30 p.m.     
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Carbone, the Council voted unanimously to consider business presented by the Mayor and members of the City Council.  
No business was presented.
On a motion by Councilor Carbone, seconded by Councilor Waldron, the Council voted unanimously to adjourn at 7:20 p.m.

ATTEST:  JOSEPH L. QUARTIERO, CMC                                                                                             
                 CITY CLERK          

Respectfully Submitted,                                                                                                                                            

Carol L. Anderson, CCTC
Asst. City Clerk